Pengembangan Alat Asesmen Berbasis Quizizz pada Mata Pelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas VII SMP

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lisa candra sari
Martin Kustanti
Rezki Amelia
Novrianti Novrianti


This research aims to produce an assessment tool based on the subject of Islamic Religious Education in grade VII of junior high school. This type of research is research and development (R&D) using the Borg and Gall development model. The development procedure in this study consists of 5 stages, namely: (1) Planning Stage, (2) Initial Product Development Stage, (3) Product Validation Stage, (4) Trial Stage, and (5) Final Product. Based on the results of the assessment from the validator, the material is in the "very valid" category with an average of 4.68. In the evaluation aspect, the assessment carried out by the evaluation expert received the "Very Valid" category with an average of 4.8. The assessment of the media aspect carried out by media experts received the category of "Very Valid" with an average of 4.78. This shows that the Quizizz-based assessment tool is feasible The practicality of the Quizizz-based assessment tool in the subject of Islamic Education in grade VII of junior high school was piloted to 54 students ...

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