About the Journal
is a educational technolgy journal published by Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). The aim of this journal is to publish articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments learning, application, and production of communications media for instruction, curriculum, educational technology and research development, tech trend, computer – supported in collaboratif learning, instructional, sciens, computing in education, formativ design in learning, technology instructional, cognitiv and learning, and smart learning environmet, learning resources center
is a educational technolgy journal published by Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). The aim of this journal is to publish articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments learning, application, and production of communications media for instruction, curriculum, educational technology and research development, tech trend, computer – supported in collaboratif learning, instructional, sciens, computing in education, formativ design in learning, technology instructional, cognitiv and learning, and smart learning environmet, learning resources center
Published by
Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP)
Jurusan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus FIP UNP Air Tawar Barat
Padang 25131, Telp (0751) 4456111