Peningkatan Kemampuan Berhitung melalui Permainan Buah Baju di Taman Kanak-kanak Mardhatillah Padang

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Syuryawati Syuryawati
Serli Marlina
Indra Yeni


This research aims to improve arithmetic skill trough button games. The type resarch conducted was classroom. The subjects taken in this research were 15 children inclucing 7 males and 8 females at class B4 of semester 1 academic year 2018-2019 in Mardhatillah Kindergarten Padang. The research was conducted using two cycles which each cycle consisted of three meetings. The techniques of data collection were observation and documentation and the assessment was processed using percentage approach. In the first cycle of meeting one, two and three, childrens aritmetc skill improved 45% but had yet to attain the minimum completion criteria. Meanwhile, in the second cycle of meeting three, the average percentage had significantly improved 87% and attained the minimum completion criteria. Therefore, based on the findings, it concluded that button games improved children’s arithmetic skills.

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