Pengaruh Penerapanimodelikooperatif Tipe Teamiassisted Individualization Berbantuan Modul Terhadap Hasil Belajari siswaipada Mata Pelajaran Matematika2Kelas V Di SDN 02 Piobang
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The aim ofIthisIstudyIwas to determine the effect of learning outcomes of theiCooperative learning model ofithe TeamI AssistedI Individualizationi(TAI) type in Mathematics subjects in class V SDN 02 Piobang. The approach used in this researchIis a quantitativeAapproach in theIform of quasyIexperimentI. The populationiin this study wereiall class V SDN 02 Piobang 2018/2019 school year. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique, where the sample isithe VaAclass, as an experimental classAand class Vb, asAa control class. Data taken from this study are primary data about learning outcomes in mathematics. The research instrument used was in the form of objective test questions totaling 25 items. After learning the data obtained, then the normalityYtest, homogeneityYtest, andyhypothesisStesting (t-test). The results showed the average value of experimentalAclassastudents (Va) isA78.58 and theaaverage value of the controlCclass (Vb) isA68.94 BasedOon the t-test calculations obtained tcount 2.406> 2.042 ttable. Thus it canCbeCconcluded that there is a significantTeffect between student learningGoutcomes usingTthe Team AssistedIIndividualization (TAI) type ofOcooperative learningImodel and students applying learning with conventional2learning modelsiin Mathematics in class V SDN 02 Piobang.