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Ginta - Sasqia
eldarni - -, UNP


The development of e-modules in the Educational Fundamentals course at Padang State University aims to provide technology-based learning resources that can be used by students as learning materials that are appropriate to the feasibility of the material and media. So that it can help students obtain lecture material that is in accordance with the syllabus so that students can study independently anytime and anywhere.. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D). The product validity test was conducted by four validators with two material validators and two media validators. Product trials were conducted on students from various Departments and Faculties at Padang State University who took the 2019 Basic Education Education course with 44 people taking the pretest and posttest to test the effectiveness of e-modules by looking at the significant differences between the two. Based on the results of the feasibility assessment of the material validator and media validator, the result obtained for material validation 1 was 4.72 categorized as "very good", from validation material 2 obtained an average of 4.1 categorized as "very good" and the validity of media 1 was obtained as average the average of 4.75 was categorized as "very good" while the validation of media 2 obtained an average of 4.81 categorized as "very good". Practicality test results obtained an average of 4.48 categorized as "very practical". The results of the effectiveness test obtained a tcount of 9.570 then seen ttable using t table with df = N-1 = 44-1 = 43 with α 0.05 then the ttable was 2.017. So tthitung> ttable, thus there is a significant difference between learning outcomes before and after using e-modules. Based on the results of the validity, practicality, and effectiveness, it can be concluded that the e-modules developed are valid, practical and effective in the learning process of the Fundamentals of Education.

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