Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif (MMI) Model Tutorial Praktikum Menggunakan Adobe Director padaimatai pelajaran IPAIKelasIVIII

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Kharismawati Kharismawati


ThisIresearch was motivated by theIlowIlearningIoutcomesIof the practicum scienceIofIclass VIII of SMPN 15 Padang, which was caused by inadequate learning resources. Theepurposeiof thisiresearch is to (1) produce a multimedia interactive model tutorial practicum which is valid accordinggto theecriteria of the feasibility of theemedia. (2) Produce interactive multimedia model tutorial practicum practical to use. (3) Produce interactive multimedia model tutorial practicum effective teaching in science.

Developmentimodel used issthe model ADDIE. Stage offthe process offthis research, whichhis the first stage offthe analysis, namelyithe analysis offthe field, user analysis, curriculum analysis, media analysis, and the analysis infrastructure. The second stage is the design, namely the stage of preliminary studies, the stage of development of the initial product. The third stage is the development, namely the creation of interactive multimedia, the next product validation conducted by 2 experts the media is a lecturer in theiDepartment offCurriculum andi Educational Technology, and materials experts 1 people, namely teachers of subjects IPA SMPN 15 Padang. Theefourthtstage issthe implementation offthe ie test its practicality through a questionnaire given to the students with a number of respondents 30 people, next is to test the effectiveness of which gives matter theepre-test andepost-test. The fifth stage is the, evaluation of the Data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive to know the quality offtheeproduct.

The results offthe test offthe validity of the products for material aspects with in thercategorysof “verysvalid” with a percentagesof 93,17% and aspect media is intthe categorysoff“verysvalid” with a percentage off 92,96%. The test resultssthe practicalitysis 90,58% with theecategory off“veryspractical”. Whileethe test of the effectiveness of the obtained tcount>ttable with the results of the t 21,60 while ttable 1,699. It can be concluded that interactive multimedia (MMI) model tutorial practicum feasible, practically and effectively used in the learning of science of class VIII of SMPN 15 Padang.


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