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The problems encountered in the field based on observations and interviews with researchers at SMA N 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam include: 1) the implementation of learning activities is dominated by the teacher using the lecture method, 2) students find it difficult to understand the learning material used by the teacher during the learning process which is fixated only on textbooks only 3) the material "Change and Preservation of the Environment" has broad scope and depth, besides that the material has a high level of difficulty to be understood if it is not visualized properly and practically, 4) the use of digital learning media has not been effective at the time Biology learning process. This research is a development research (R&D) with the ASSURE development model which is procedural in nature and simplified according to research needs using the Adobe After Effects application. The results of learning media development research by media validator 1 obtained 4.76 in the "Very Valid" category. While the results of the media validator 2 assessment obtained 4.85 in the "Very Valid" category. And the assessment by the material validator on the feasibility aspects of the content, presentation, and evaluation obtained 4.91 in the "Very Valid" category. The practicality test results for students on video animation from the aspect of appearance, presentation of material, and practicality can be explained that the assessment carried out by students obtained a result of 4.86 which was categorized as "Very Practical". it can be concluded that the Video Animation Media in Biology class X SMA that has been developed is valid and practical. So the animated video media is suitable for use in the learning process. This research was conducted on 30 high school class X students.