Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Aplikasi Adobe Flash Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

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Dita Savitri
Zuliarni Zuliarni


The discovery of a number of issues related to the learning process, particularly in science subjects, sparked the creation of interactive multimedia on the Adobe Flash platform.It was discovered that one of the issues with science education is that students do not participate in the learning process in a reciprocal manner and that learning is still centered on the teacher because only books and worksheets are used as learning resources.Student learning outcomes are also impacted by the limited number of lessons and the use of learning media that is not utilized to its full potential.The goal of developing interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash applications is to produce legitimate and useful interactive multimedia products.

The term "research and development" (R&D) refers to this kind of research.The research model in this study was the ADDIE model.The five stages of the ADDIE model are analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation.The validity of this study was tested by two media validators and one material validator.The media validator teaches in the Department of Educational Technology and Curriculum, Faculty of Education, at the State University of Padang.While the subject matter teacher from UPTD SMPN 1 Payakumbuh District serves as the material validater.31 eighth-grade students from UPTD SMPN 1 Payakumbuh District participated in the product practicality test.

Media validation results from media validator 1 averaged 4.67 in the "very valid" category, while media validation results from media validator 2 averaged 4.92 in the "very valid" category.An average score of 4.87 placed the material validation results with material validators in the "very valid" category.In contrast, the class VIII SMP students who took the interactive multimedia practicality test scored an average of 4.47 in the "very practical" category.

Based on the results of the media practicality test and the evaluations of the media validator and material validator, it is possible to conclude that interactive multimedia based on the Adobe Flash application can be used in the learning process of science subjects for class VIII SMP "very feasible."



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