Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android Menggunakan Adobe Animate pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas X SMA

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Junaldi Saputra
Ulfia Rahmi


The research is an alternative form for millennial youth who use smartphones only as entertainment without educational value. To increase students' learning motivation using Smartphones as a medium for learning in the current millennial generation. The completeness of visual learning content that is poured into this Android-based learning media allows students to understand the material more clearly, repeat the material, increase student learning motivation, and allow students to learn independently.

The type of research conducted is research development or Research and Development (R&D). The development model used in this study is 4-D (Four D) (Define, Design, Development, and Dessminstion) in the form of documentation and assessment sheets. In this study using validity and practicality analysis techniques. The validity test was carried out by involving 2 validators from the KTP FIP UNP Department, namely two media validators and one material validator from the Biology subject teacher where the research was conducted. Then the practicality test of Android-based learning media products was carried out on 20 high school students Stage E. X3.

The objectives achieved in this study were to determine the feasibility and practicality of Android-based learning media using Adobe Animate. The results of the validation test show that it is feasible to use for the material/content aspect, it can be concluded that the Android-based learning media "Easy to use without revision according to suggestions" for the media aspect is in the "Very Eligible" category which is seen from the value of the discussion aspect, software engineering aspect, display aspect of the visuals and aspects of Android with the results of a practicality questionnaire “Very Practical”.

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