Pengembangan Media Video Menggunakan Powtoon Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS SMP Kelas VIII

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Meilani Miswandi
Zelhendri Zen


The findings in the learning process, specifically the learning process that students frequently find boring, are the impetus for this research.This is because the learning process lacks interest as a result of the limited use of media to convey messages.According to interviews with class VIII students, it is necessary to modify the implemented learning process in order to address the identified issues.Using learning video content as a learning tool is the solution that can be implemented.Based on the 4-D model proposed by Trianto (2012:93), "The development model consists of four stages, namely Define (Define), Design (Planning), Develop (Development), and Disminate (Deployment)," this research is a type of research development or R&D that is carried out in four stages.Three validators performed the product validity test, two of whom were media validators and one of whom was material validator.32 eighth-grade students from SMP Negeri 2 Padang participated in the practicality test.This study's findings explain that the media validator's assessment is rated "Very Valid" with an average of 4.88, while the material validator's assessment is rated "Very Valid" with a value of 4.83.In the meantime, students' practicality assessments were rated "Very Practical" with an average score of 4.59.These calculations lead us to the conclusion that "Very Practical," a Powtoon-based learning video on social science topics, is used in that teachers can be more effective in the learning process, learning was conducted in accordance with student goals, and vaed in Information and Communication Technology subjects for class VIII SMP.

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