Pengembangan multimedia menggunakan aplikasi i spring suite 9 pada mata pelajaran biologi kelas XI SMA

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Sonia Sonia
Zuwirna Zuwirna


Multimedia development using the I Spring Suite application is carried out as an effort to solve learning problems for students, namely the lack of student understanding of Biology subject matter because some Biology subject matter is complex (difficult to observe) so it requires media that can provide simulations and support participants. students in increasing understanding of Biology subject matter. This study aims to develop multimedia products using the I Spring Suite application in Biology subjects for class XI SMA and to find out the validity and practicality of the product whether it is feasible or not to be used in the learning process. The type of research used is "Research and Development (R&D) which uses the ADDIE model. with 5 stages of development, namely the Analysis stage, the Design stage, the Development stage, the Implementation stage, and the Evaluation stage.” Based on the results of the assessment by the two media validators, an average score of 4.85 was obtained which was categorized as "very valid". The results of the assessment validation from the material validators obtained an average of 4.7 which was categorized as "very valid". The results of the product practicality test by students obtained an average of 4.79 which was categorized as "very practical". so based on the results of the assessment of the validity and practicality of the product, it can be concluded that the product is very valid and practical so that it is suitable for use in the Biology learning process.

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