Pengembangan Media Video Tutorial pada Mata Pelajaran Prakarya Kelas IX SMP

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Rahmatul ichsan
Zuwirna Zuwirna


The purpose of this study was to develop learning media in the form of video tutorials for making hard craft materials in the form of miniature houses from ice sticks. This research is a research development or Research and Development (R&D), proposed by Brog and Gall (Ariesto Hadi Sutopo, 2003: 32) through 5 development steps, namely (concept) collecting supporting materials, (design) designing the display, (collecting material) gathering materials for making media, (assembly) merging or unifying materials, (testing) media feasibility trials. At the assembly stage, the video tutorial is validated for its feasibility to material experts and media experts. At the testing stage, it was carried out in SMP 1 Kec. Harau went through a trial with 15 students.

The results showed that the video tutorial learning media for making miniature houses from ice sticks was declared feasible as a learning medium. The average score given by material experts is 98% in the "very appropriate" category and the first stage media expert assessment is 95% with the "very appropriate" category, after revising the product in the second stage, the average score is 99% with the "very suitable" category, and the assessment in the field research obtained a percentage of 4.82% with the "very appropriate" category. Based on the overall results of the percentage assessment of the feasibility of learning media in the form of video tutorials on making miniature houses from ice sticks, it is included in the appropriate category, so that it can be used as a learning medium for Craft subjects at SMP 1 Kec. Harau

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