A Pemanfaatan Video Tutorial pada Mata Pelajaran Bimbingan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 04 Bukittinggi.

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Elzi Fitri Handayani



Video tutorials are one of those things that a lot of people already know, and video tutorials are really helpful when we don't know a thing. This study is intended to examine the opinions of teachers and students regarding the application of video tutorials, as well as to understand the obstacles faced by teachers and students in implementing video tutorials in information and communication technology-oriented subject classes. The research process is carried out with a qualitative approach, and the researcher himself is the main tool. To collect data, the steps used are observation, question and answer, documentation and a list of questions. The research was carried out at SMP Negeri 04 Bukittinggi and was completed in October 2021. The results of the research on the use of learning videos in online learning Information and communication technology is very beneficial for teachers and students, but when compared to learning with teacher explanations and learning through video tutorials, students prefer study with the teacher. This is because the Information and Communication Technology Subjects learn a lot of material through practice, and students are required to learn on their own with video tutorials that have been provided by the subject teacher.

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