Pengembangan Multimedia Berbasis Virtual Laboratory Menggunakan Adobe Animate pada Mata Pelajaran Fisika Kelas X TKJ di SMK

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Marpua Tutdaroja
Nofri Hendri


The development of interactive multimedia dilators is due to the unavailability of media for learning that students can use on their own in the learning process, thus resulting in low student attention in the process of learning. Additionally, there are no practical activities in the laboratory due to the absence of facilities. Therefore, the objective of this study is to create interactive multimedia that is based on virtual laboratory in Physics class X SMK. Research and Development (R&D) is the term for this kind of research on development. Utilizing the ADDIE development model, which divides research into five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. A validation sheet with a material validation sheet, a media validation sheet, and a student response questionnaire are used for data collection. Twenty students from class X at TKJ SMK Negeri 2 Sarolangun served as the study's test subjects. Based on how the feasibility test was evaluated by three validators, one of whom was a material expert and the other two were media validators. An average of 4.75 aspects of the media fell into the "very good or very valid" category for the material validation results. Media validator I's average score of 4.84 and media validator II's average score of 4.50 place the validation results for the media aspect in the "very good or very valid" category. In addition, the "very practical" category received an average score of 4.64 on the practicality test. Based on the findings of the validity and practicality tests, it was decided that interactive multimedia based on a virtual laboratory could be used to teach Physics in class X.

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