Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis E-Magazine Pada Mata Pelajaran Muatan Lokal Budaya Sastra Minangkabau Kelas VIII SMP
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The development of e-magazine based teaching materials was made as an effort to utilize the use of innovative teaching materials, then teaching materials used by teacher in the from of LKPD and textbooks that were difficult to understand by students. This study aims to produce a product in the form of e-magazine teaching materials on local content subjects Minangkabau Literary Culture VIII grade junior high school that is feasible and practical.
This type of research was a development research known as Research and Development (R&D), the development model used was the ADDIE model. The development prodecure in this study consists of 5 stages, analysis, design, development,implementation,and evaluation. Product validity test was conducted by 3 validators, namely 1 material expert validator and 2 media expert validators. Product trials conducted to 27 students of class VIII SMPN 7 Pariaman with the aim to determine theipracticalityoof the products developed. The research instruments used were questionnaire sheets, documentation, and assessment formats.
Based on the result of the validation of the material obtained a value of 4,75 “very feasible’’ so that the materials was declared fit for use, the results of validation of mediai 1 obtained a value of 4,92 “very feasible’’ and validation of media experts 2 obtained a value of 4,57 “very feasible’’, so that the media was categorized as fit for trial. Furthermore, students obtained practical test scores 4,18 “practical’’. It can be concluded that e-magazine teacing materials on local content subjects Minangkabau Literary Culture VIII grade junior high school feasible and practical to use.