Pengembangan kuis interaktif berbasis Adobe animate pada mata pelajaran Bimbingan TIK kelas VIII SMP

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Jamilatur Rahmah
Nofri Hendri


This research was conducted to produce interactive quiz learning media based on Adobe Animate. 2. analyze the level of feasibility (validity) and level of practicality (practicality) of interactive quizzes based on Adobe Animate as a learning medium for Information and Communication Technology Guidance at SMP N 1 Junjung Sirih. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model consists of five stages, 1) Analysis; 2) Design; 3) Development; 4) Implementation and 5) Evaluation. The trial subjects in this study were 3 experts to determine the level of feasibility of the product developed and 20 students to determine the level of practicality of the product developed. Research data obtained from validation sheets and student questionnaires. The results obtained from the assessment of material experts get a total score of 64 and the average score is 4.57, so that the interactive quiz can be categorized as very appropriate. Then the assessment by two media experts obtained an average total score of 9.43 with an average score of 4.71, so it is in the very feasible category. Furthermore, the average level of practicality is obtained with an average total score of 93.23 with an average score of 4.66, so that the interactive quiz can be categorized as very practical. Based on the results of the research, interactive quizzes based on Adobe Animate on tutoring subjects can be used and implemented in the ICT guidance learning process. 

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