Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Multimedia Menggunakan Aplikasi FLIP PDF PROFESSIONAL Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas VII SMP/MTs

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Kevin Nofrialdi
Darmansyah Darmansyah


The Developmentaof Multimedia-Based E-Modules Using the Flip PDF Professional Application in Social Science Subjects (IPS) for Class VII SMP/MTs Students is carried out asaan effort to overcome the teaching andilearning process applied by teachers with the lecture method and the lack of use of teaching materials is a problem found so that the learning process is conventional. Therefore, it issnecessary to make anaeffort to prepare and design teaching materials that are attractive and easy to obtain by students, namely technology-based teaching materials that are easily accessible and can increase student motivation in theaform of e-modules.
Thisatype of research is researchaand development (Research & Development). The productavalidity test was carriedaout by three validatorsiconsisting of one material expert and twoimedia experts. The product trialiwas carried out on class VII students at SMPN 17 Padang withaa total of 8 studentsato test the practicalityiof the Social Sciences (IPS) E-Modul product that hadibeen designed.
Based on the resultsaof the feasibilityaassessment of the materialivalidator and mediaivalidator, the material validation results obtained an average of 4.64 from a 5.0 scaleacategorized asivery good, the validation results from media 1 obtained an average of 4.9 from a 5.0 scale categorized as veryigood and the resultsiof the validity of the mediai2 obtained anaaverage of 4.38 from a scale of 5.0 categorized as very good. Theiresults of theapracticality test obtained anaaverage of 4.84 from a 5.0 scale categorized as very practical. Based on thearesults of theavalidity and practicality tests, it canabe concludedithat the Multimedia-Based E-Module Using the FlipaPDFaProfessionalaApplication in Social Science Subjects (IPS) for Class VII SMP/MTs students developed is valid and practical to use in Social Science Subjects (IPS)

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