Pengembangan Multimedia Berbasis WEB HTML5 pada Mata Pelajaran IPA kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)

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Saifullah Muhammad Ali
Nofri Hendri


The problem of the COVID-19 pandemic on education demands online learning. This causes the online teaching and learning process to be monotonous and makes students less interactive in the learning process. Facts in the field of assignments and reading materials are only sources for students to learn during this pandemic period, so an innovative media that is easy to use by teachers is needed to help students get media that can be used anywhere and anytime. The interactive media that can be used is Articulate storyline, this media is one of the multimedia authoring tools that can be used to create interactive learning media with content in the form of a combination of text, images, graphics, sound, animation, and video. This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of the use of html 5-based interactive learning media.
The type of research conducted is Research and Development (R&D). The object of research is Html 5-based Interactive Learning Media using the Articulate Storyline application in the science subjects of cell organelles. The data source comes from the validation results of the validator, namely the UNP Education Technology lecturer, and the results of practicality from students. The instruments used in this study were a validation questionnaire sheet and a practicality questionnaire sheet. The data analysis technique applied is descriptive statistics. Based on the research conducted, the validity test of the development of html5 web-based interactive media has a validity level with a value of 87.96% in the very valid category. While the Practicality Test is 56% with a fairly practical category. So it can be stated that this html 5-based learning media is valid and practical in science learning.

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