Pengembangan Multimedia dengan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Kelas VII SMP
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This study has the purpose to create an interactive multimedia product for increasing the seventh grade junior high school students’ motivation and participation in natural science class. The research and development model has applied with ADDIE Model. The procedure of this research started from analysis to evaluation. Three experts involved for validation, namely two media experts and one material expert. Besides, 15 students at SMPN 3 Pariaman participated as the respondents to answer the questionnaire and assessment format. The data was analyzed descriptively quantitative and qualitatively.
The validation result showed that the media is categorized as very eligible with the score from first media expert was 4,94 and the second expert was 5.00. Else, the material expert assessed as very appropriate with 4.82 point. Meanwhile, from the practicality test conducted by the students, it was categorized as very practical with 4,72 point. To sum up, the produced multimedia was appropriate and practical to apply in learning process.