Development of interactive learning media on the theme of always saving energy, sub-theme of energy sources for class IV primary school

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Arief Rachman Malik
abna hidayati


Development of interactive learning0media using the Smart app creator application is carried out as an effort to help teachers in the online learning process because at this time there is a covid-19 pandemic, so the learning process is carried out remotely. This interactive learning media can enable the learning process to run effectively even though learning is carried out at a distance.

This type of research is development research known as Research and Development (R&D), using a simplified Borg and Gall development model according to research needs referring to four stages, namely, 1) planning stage, 2) initial product development, 3) validation testing. product, 4) conduct a limited trial, 5) the final product. Product validity was carried out by 3 experts, namely 2 media validators and 1 material validator, while for the practicality test in this study 15 fourth grade students of SD Negeri 03 Nansabaris

Based on the results of research and development of interactive learning media shows that, the results of the product validity test for the material aspect are in the "very appropriate" achievement with the value obtained by the validator of 4.83, for the media aspect the achievement is "very feasible" with the value obtained by validator I. of 4.94 and validator II of 5.00. Furthermore, the results of the product practicality test based on the trials that have been carried out are in the "very practical" achievement with a value obtained of 4.71. The conclusion of this study is that interactive learning media on the theme of always saving energy, the sub-theme of energy sources, is feasible to use in the learning process.

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