Pemanfaatan Creative Camp dan Co-working Space Sebagai Sumber Belajar Bagi Startup dan Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Digital Innovation Lounge Padang)

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Ulfa Nabila Tafrienda
Alwen Bentri


Creative camps and co-working spaces can be used by students as learning resources, especially in Padang. This study uses a descriptive qualitative model which aims to find out how the utilization of the place to the community in Padang, especially in the field of education. Startups and students are the objects of this research. After conducting research on 16 research objects, the results show that creative camps and co-working spaces can be used as learning resources for startups and students. This is because the place provides service facilities and space that is quite complete and supports seminar programs, workshops, and other events that can increase the ability of visitors for free.

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