Pengembangan E-Module Menggunakan Aplikasi Flip PDF Professional pada Mata Kuliah Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran

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Haditya Haditya
Eldarni Eldarni


E-Module Development Using Flip PDF Professional Application in Learning Theory and Instructional is carried out as an effort in supplementing learning resources for students as learning material in accordance with the guidance of the syllabus for one semester. E-Module is made with several objectives so that students can study independently with or without the guidance of lecturers, can set the pace of their own learning, study lecture material before the teaching and learning process takes place and can use or access e-modules anytime and anywhere.

The type of research is research and development. The product validity test was carried out by four validators consisting of two material experts and two media experts. The product trial was conducted on Department of Curriculum and Education Technology students who completed the Learning Theory and Instructional with a total of 20 students to test the practicality of the Learning Theory and Instructional E-Module that had been designed.

From the results of the feasibility assessment of the material validator and media validator, the results obtained for material validation 1 an average of 4.32 are categorized very good, from material validation 2 an average of 4.04 is categorized very good, the results of the validity of media 1 are obtained average average of 4.84 was categorized very good and the results of the validity of media 2 obtained an average of 4.84 categorized very well. Practicality test results obtained an average of 4.76 categorized very practical. From the results of the validity and practicality test it can be concluded that the E-Module Using Flip PDF Professional Application in Learning Theory and Instructional developed is valid and practical used in Learning Theory and Instructional.

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