Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Course Review Horay (CRH) Berbantuan Multimedia Presentasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII Di SMP
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Learning putcomes are low affected by several problems conducted in learning activities, namely the lows of enthusiasm the students to participate in learning in the classroom, lack to variation learning model in teaching and learning activities, the use of media that is rarely used, the lack of activity and the absence of chance for learners to participate resulting in less active students in conducting learning activities. The goal is to determine the effect of the cooperative model type course review horay (CRH) powered by multimedia presentations on student learning outcomes. This research uses literature study. Where The type of data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by analyzing and analyzing books and journals with literary rules that are closely related to the course review horay model. The data analysis technique is qualitative analysis. These results indicate that the model CRH aided by multimedia presentations is effective for increasing student activity, student collaboration, enthusiastic students, the competence of the students’ knowledge, confidence and learning achievement, and creating a class atmosphere becomes lively and fun so that with this will have a significant influence on student learning outcomes.