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Pramutia Putri Eliza
Syafril Syafril


ICT Guidance Learning in Padang City Public Schools is carried out with 2 different time management techniques. There are 2 hours of teaching done once every 2 weeks and there are those who carry out 1 hour of learning every week.

This research uses post-facto quantitativeex. The population of the study was SMPN 31 Padang and SMPN 25 Padang. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique, class VII students of SMPN 31 Padang and students of class VII SMPN 25 Padang, each school numbered 30 students with a total sample of 60 students. Data was collected using a questionnaire or questionnaire in the form of 30 items and this data collection tool was online using Google forms, the link of which was sent to the whatsapp group. The type of research data in the form of attitudes or views of students towards the implementation of ICT Guidance learning in schools and learning outcomes in the form of student grades that have been there before. This data was analyzed using t-test.

From the results of the research that has been carried out obtained an average student's view of the implementation of ICT Guidance learning in class VII SMPN 31 Padang (2 hours of lessons once 2 weeks) 99.2 higher than that of class VII students of SMPN 25 Padang (1 hour of study every week ) 94.87. Although not significantly different, this can be seen in the average value of student learning outcomes at SMPN 31 Padang who carry out ICT Guidance learning 2 hours of learning once 2 weeks higher than students at SMPN 25 Padang who carry out ICT Guidance learning 1 hour of learning each week (91> 84). The results of the analysis using the t-test showed the result of arithmetic 0.055 while of the t table 2,000 so that the t count <t table (student's view). While the results of tcount 0.172 while ttable 2,000 at the level of trust (a 0.05), so tcount <ttable (student learning outcomes). The conclusion that can be drawn is that the application of ICT Guidance learning 2 hours once every 2 weeks is more effective than those implementing the ICT Guidance learning implementation system 1 hour per week, although not significantly different.

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