UNP Pengembangan Media Video Mata Kuliah Percetakan dan Sablon pada Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan

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Harfajri Nuari


During Printing and Screening in practice, students are divided into groups, then explained to each group about screen printing techniques / techniques. However, at present there is still no adequate media support. So we need a media to help in the delivery of material and become a learning resource that can be used independently by students. This research aims to envolve a learning video media product as a learning resource that is valid / feasible, practical and effective in accordance with the eligibility criteria of the material and media in the Printing and Screen Printing course on the KTP FIP UNP Majors.

This research is Reseacrh and Development (R&D) using Borg and Gall development model. Stages of development carried out, namely planning, initial product development, product validation, product trials, and final products. The product feasibility test was assessed by two material experts and two media experts. The product feasibility test involved 20 students 2017 generation from the Majors of KTP FIP UNP. Data collection tools in the form of interviews, documentation, assessment sheets, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques were carried out quantitatively and qualitatively.

The product validity test results show that the product is suitable for use, based on the assessment of the expert, the product material can be categorized as "Very Appropriate", while the assessment of the developed product media expert can be categorized as "Very Appropriate". For the practicality test results obtained an assessment that can be categorized as "Very Practical". The results of the effectiveness test using the t-test can be concluded that there are significant differences in the results of the pre-test and post-test and there is an influence of learning video media on the Printing and Screen Printing subject.

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