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Beni Mahendra
Fetri Yeni J


Development of interactive learning media based on the Cisco Packet Tracer application is done as an alternative in helping the learning process of Computer Infrastructure Administration in Vocational Schools. Some problems in the learning process of Network Infrastructure Administration were discovered by researchers during the observation at SMK N 6 Padang including the use of media in learning activities is still limited in the form of regular PowerPoint slides . Utilization of available facilities is also not maximal only limited to practicum objects , new innovation is needed in the process of learning computer networks in the form of virtual simulations. The learning process becomes more interesting so that students easily understand the material and master the skills. Research on the development of interactive learning media based on the Cisco packet tracer application in the subject of Network Infrastructure Administration in SMK aims to produce valid and practical learning media.

This research is a research development or type of research known as Research and Development (R&D), in the process this research uses a 4D development model that is adjusted to the research needs referring to four stages namely, 1) the define stage , 2) the design stage , 3 ) development stage , 4) and the disseminate stage . The product validity test was carried out by three validators: 1 material expert validator and 2 media expert validators. Product trials were conducted on 20 students of class XI TKJ at SMK N 6 Padang.

The results of research and development of interactive learning media based on Cisco Packet Tracer show that, the acquisition of a media validity test was categorized as "very valid" with a value of validator I of 4.80 (96% ) and from validator II obtained a value of 4.87 (97.4% ), while the material aspect is categorized as "very good" with the value of the material validator of 4.70 (94%). Then, for the results of product use tests conducted on students also categorized as "very practical" with a value of 4.61 (92%). Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the interactive learning media based on the Cisco Packet Tracer application is appropriate for use in the learning process and can help learning become more effective and interesting.


Keywords: Development, Learning Media, Cisco, Cisco simulation.

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