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Rini Mucharamah
Zuliarni Zuliarni


Learning media in accordance with technological developments are needed so that learning runs effectively and is not monotonous. Learning media by combining augmented reality (AR) with an Android based smartphone canobe generated inotheoformoof mobile media as one solution to the problem. There was the background of this research so that it created a mobile hardware media for computers in the form of 2D and 3D generated in android applications (AR Hardware) and was equipped with AR Book. Theotypeoof theoresearchowas research oando developmento research and development (R&D) aimed at developing mobile media with AR technologyousingotheoADDIE approach developmentomodel. The research sample for the effectiveness test was 30 students of class VII of SMP Negeri 25 Padang Year 2019/2020. Theoresultsoof researchocould beoexplained that the assessment conducted by material experts received a total score of 76 in the "veryofeasible" category, with a percentage of eligibility category of 95%, an assessment conducted by media experts obtained an average total score of 96 with "veryofeasible" category, with an average percentage of eligibility categories of 96%, evaluations made by users get an average total score of 88.90 with the "very feasible" category, withoanoaverage percentageoof eligibilityocategories of 88.9%, and basedoon theoresults of the calculation of theoT-Test using pre-testoand post-test,oobtained t-countoof 6.35198 and t-table is 2.045. Then it can be seen t-count is greater than t-table (6.35198> 2.045). It could be concluded that the AR Hardware that was developed was effectively used in the subjects of ICT Guidance for class VII 1 of SMP N 25 Padang.

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Author Biography

Zuliarni Zuliarni, UNP

Learning media in accordance with technological developments are needed so that learning runs effectively and is not monotonous. Learning media by combining augmented reality (AR) with an Android based smartphone canobe generated inotheoformoof mobile media as one solution to the problem. There was the background of this research so that it created a mobile hardware media for computers in the form of 2D and 3D generated in android applications (AR Hardware) and was equipped with AR Book. Theotypeoof theoresearchowas research oando developmento research and development (R&D) aimed at developing mobile media with AR technologyousingotheoADDIE approach developmentomodel. The research sample for the effectiveness test was 30 students of class VII of SMP Negeri 25 Padang Year 2019/2020. Theoresultsoof researchocould beoexplained that the assessment conducted by material experts received a total score of 76 in the "veryofeasible" category, with a percentage of eligibility category of 95%, an assessment conducted by media experts obtained an average total score of 96 with "veryofeasible" category, with an average percentage of eligibility categories of 96%, evaluations made by users get an average total score of 88.90 with the "very feasible" category, withoanoaverage percentageoof eligibilityocategories of 88.9%, and basedoon theoresults of the calculation of theoT-Test using pre-testoand post-test,oobtained t-countoof 6.35198 and t-table is 2.045. Then it can be seen t-count is greater than t-table (6.35198> 2.045). It could be concluded that the AR Hardware that was developed was effectively used in the subjects of ICT Guidance for class VII 1 of SMP N 25 Padang.

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