Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran berbasis Aplikasi Focusky pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs

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Hernela Putri
Syafril Syafril


The development of multimedia research based on application of Focusky on PPKn subjects in class VIII of SMP Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP aims to develop products and be tested through validity and practicality, so that they are valid and practical in use. The type of research used is known as Research and Development (R&D). The development procedure is based on the Bord and Gall development model which consists of 5 simplified stages according to the research needs, as follows: (1) planning, (2) initial product development, (3) product validation, (4) trial, and (5) final product. Based on the acquisition of a validator evaluation of this development, it can be categorized as valid by the 4 and 5 value categories of each indicator which has an average of 4,83 with a percentage of 97% by 1 validator from the material expert. Furthermore, the evaluation by 2 validators from media experts is also categorized valid with categories of values ​​4 and 5 on each indicator which has an average of 4,87 with a percentage of 97% of the validator of media expert I and the average validator of media expert II is 4,87 with a percentage of 97%. After revision and improvement, the results of the trial of this learning multimedia product are in the practical category with an average of 4,72 with a percentage of 94%. The results obtained can be concluded that the Focusky application-based learning multimedia products in PPKn VIII class are already suitable for use in learning because they meet valid and practical criteria.

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