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Based on observations on the learning process of integrated social studies class VII in SMP Negeri 22 Padang, there are problems related to students' learning motivation which are motivated by monotonous and less varied learning. Therefore, this study aims to develop a valid and practical multimedia learning product for entertainment (edutainment) in accordance with the media eligibility criteria for integrated social studies subjects for grade VII junior high school/equivalent. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D), using a simplified Borg and Gall development model in accordance with research needs referring to five main steps including, 1) planning, 2) initial product development, 3) validity products, 4) trials, and 5) final products. The product validity test was conducted by 3 validators namely 1 material validator and 2 media validators. The product practicality test was conducted on 30 students of class VII1 at SMP Negeri 22 Padang. Data collection instruments through observation, interviews, assessment formats and questionnaires. Based on the results of research and development of edutainment-based learning multimedia in integrated social studies subjects for grade VII junior high school/equivalent shows that the results of the material validation test include the criteria of "very good" with a value of the validator of 4.40 (88%), for aspects of the media including the criteria "Very feasible" with a value of validator I of 4.05 (81%) and validator II of 4.89 (98%). Furthermore, the practicality results of the product based on the trials that have been carried out include "very practical" criteria with an average value of 4.85 (97%). So, it can be concluded that edutainment-based multimedia learning in integrated social studies subjects for grade VII junior high school/equivalent is feasible and practically used to support the learning process to be more enjoyable.